
    How to get Super Troops in Clash of Clans

    Super Troops in Clash of Clans are a powerful addition to any player’s arsenal, unlocking at Town Hall 11. If you are yet to try these troops or wonder how you can, this guide has everything for you. Read on to find out all your queries related to how to get Super Troops in Clash of Clans!

    This article will cover:

    • Brief information about Clash of Clans Super Troops
    • Proper way to get Super Troops in Clash of Clans
    • Ways to use Super Troops

    About Super Troops

    Players need to upgrade their troops to certain levels in order to activate the Super Mode of Troops. Standard troops in Clash of Clans can now be upgraded into Super Troops, including the Barbarian, Witch, Archer, Minion, and Valkyrie. These augmented versions of regular troops offer a wide variety of new tactics for players to devise.

    However, the increased housing space and longer training time that come with Super Troops’ perks help balance out their impressive power.

    A step-by-step guide on how to get Super Troops in Clash of Clans

    The enhanced state of Super Troops is only transitory, lasting for only three to seven days before reverting to their original form. Additionally, only two Super Troops can serve in your army at any given moment. After a Super Troop returns to its usual stage, players must wait a full week before using it again.

    Using Super Troops

    To get the most out of Super Troops, players should save Dark Elixirs and keep rotating their Super Troops to make the most of their enhanced abilities. By rotating, it means they should keep activating the Super form of different troops every week as Clash of Clans restricts the activation of the same troops.

    Additionally, it’s a good idea to join a clan with players who can donate to Super Troops as this will allow players to get them sooner than if they were to wait until they reached Town Hall 11. All of the Super Troops which are available at the time of writing this are listed below:

    1. Super Barbarian: Raged version of Barbarian.
    2. Super Archer: Upgraded arrows.
    3. Super Giant: Upgraded hitpoints and damage.
    4. Sneaky Goblin: Ability to stay invisible .
    5. Super Wall Breaker: Ability to destroy more walls.
    6. Rocket Balloon: Roams faster.
    7. Super Wizard: Deals greater damage and takes down multiple targets at a time.
    8. Super Dragon: High hitpoints and more damage.
    9. Inferno Dragon: Double downs damage hits over time.
    10. Super Miner: Takes drill with him to dig and destroy more effectively.
    11. Super Minion: Has got a big forehead and dealt additional damage.
    12. Super Valkyrie: More angry version of Valkyrie. Drops Rage Spell upon dying.
    13. Super Witch (Big Boy): Lures more powerful skeletons timely.
    14. Ice Hound (Ice Pup): Roams fast and leaves more ice pups upon destruction.
    15. Super Bowler: Has big boulders and more attractive attire.

    Bottom line

    Super Troops in Clash of Clans are a powerful addition to any player’s arsenal, unlocking at Town Hall 11. Players need to upgrade their troops to certain levels in order to activate the Super Mode of Troops and gain access to augmented versions of regular troops.

    Read next: Clash of Clans Wizard

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